Thursday, November 14, 2024

Eliminating Umpire's Call in DRS -- A Different Take

The "Umpire's Call" decision by the Decision Review System (DRS) in cricket has proven to be very unpopular with players and fans alike.  Generally speaking, this is because of their limited understanding of how the DRS technology works, and under what circumstances it falls back to the on-field umpire's call.  But it's also understandable that cricketers are frustrated that we seem to trust technology for most things these days, except this one.

First of all, this is only applicable to LBW decisions -- that's because in an LBW appeal, the ball has hit the batter somewhere on their body, and changed direction thereafter.  The umpire's (and DRS') job is to estimate whether the ball would have hit the stumps if the batter had not intercepted it.  However a similar consideration also applies when DRS decides whether the ball pitched in line with the stumps, whether the point of impact was outside the line of the stumps, etc.

The Hawkeye (and similar competing) technology captures several video frames using special cameras, 'finds' the ball in these frames, and plots the ball's actual trajectory up to the point where it hits the batter.  Usually, a human operator marks the final point of impact with the batter's body using the available video frames.  Based on this actual trajectory, Hawkeye extrapolates, i.e. predicts the path the ball would have taken if it had not hit the batter.  This is a mathematical calculation, and it cannot be certain or exact, because the video capturing the action is not continuous, but chopped into frames.  So, any such projection has fuzziness, i.e. a range of possible trajectories, not the single path that we are shown on TV.  

This possibility of error is why ICC decided to fall back to the on-field umpire's call, when the error range makes it uncertain whether the ball would have hit the stumps.  Within the possible range of projected outcomes, some times the ball would have hit the stumps, and at other times it would have missed -- we just don't know for sure, based on the available technology.  The fuzziness of the possible projections is a function of the Hawkeye technology.  As the technology has improved, cameras have gotten sharper, etc. the error bars have narrowed over time, i.e. the fuzziness has reduced.

Now, note that the umpire's decision is also based on an estimate. The umpire is essentially doing the same thing as Hawkeye, just by 'replaying' the delivery in their mind's eye and asking a standard set of questions (did the ball hit the pad before bat if at all, did it pitch in line, hit in line, shot attempted or not, and finally, crucially, would it have hit the stumps if the batter hadn't intercepted it).  Of course umpires are often very experienced and skilled at this.  They've done it thousands of times before, presumably.  Nevertheless, their call (out or not-out) is also prone to a certain amount of error.  At lower levels of cricket, there is a lot of variation in umpires' skills; some may be good, others not-so-good, yet others terrible at making this decision, or just having a bad day.  Even at the international level, all umpires are not equally skilled, or equally experienced, or could have been distracted at just the wrong time.  Thus we have to note that the umpire's call also has an error range!

For line decisions (run outs, stumpings, no balls), we seem to be happy to leave the decision to technology.  There we assume that the technology is good enough -- nay, better than the on-field umpires!  That's even though the umpire can clearly see the crease to decide out or not-out.  Surely in the case of LBWs, if anything, there should be more uncertainty in the umpire's mind?  In other words, the error bars on the umpire's decision are likely to be wider than the error bars of Hawkeye's projection, given the improvements in technology since DRS was introduced.

Once you reach this conclusion, it becomes clear that umpire's call is unnecessary in LBW decisions as well.  Yes, the technology can make a mistake, but so can umpires (and in fact, umpires are more likely to get it wrong).  Hawkeye can do its thing and project the path of the ball after impact.  Its error bars are calculated mathematically and could perhaps be verified experimentally or with simulations in labs.  Based on the error range, Hawkeye can make one of three decisions:

  1. The ball would have hit the stumps in all possible projections (therefore, the decision is OUT), or
  2. It would have missed the stumps in all possible projections (decision NOT OUT), or
  3. It would have missed the stumps in some of the projections.   
In this third case, today's decision is UMPIRE'S CALL, but it really should be NOT OUT, because:
  • the technology cannot be sure that the ball would have hit the stumps
  • the error bars of technology are better (thinner) than those of a typical umpire
  • the benefit of the doubt traditionally goes to the batter in such decisions, not to the umpire!

This would mean eliminating umpire's call altogether!  The same approach could be taken with deciding whether the ball pitched in line, and whether the point of impact was in line -- both of these are line decisions (even if there isn't a physical line/mat drawn on the pitch), and technology is already considered good enough to make that decision.

Eliminating umpire's call would have one further benefit on the side.  It would reduce the pressure on umpires to get the decision right, just as DRS has for line decisions.  They would know that their call becomes less important in edge cases, and DRS would serve its original purpose of only reversing 'howlers'.  It could improve the standard of umpiring as a result (especially at lower, first-class level wherever DRS is made available).  And it could possibly reduce the skew towards LBW decisions, especially against spin bowling, that has crept in because of DRS and the loss of the benefit of doubt going uniformly to the batter.  We have seen modern Test batters struggling against spin because their game has had to adapt to the DRS and made it harder to survive when defending.

One final point -- much of the controversy arises from how the DRS projection is shown on TV.  Despite the fact that the projection has a range of possibilities, the 'replay' on TV shows the ball either hitting (or clipping) the stump, accompanied by a cute little animation of the bails falling off, or it shows the ball missing the stumps.  For case 3 above, when the current decision is UMPIRE'S CALL, all that we need to do is show the ball missing the stumps (i.e. show one of the possible projections where the ball would have missed), and flash a NOT OUT decision instead!  So, case 2 and 3 end up the same, with the ball shown clearly missing the stumps, and the decision being NOT OUT.  This is not 'cheating', because it really is showing one of the possible projections where the ball misses the stumps!

Thoughts?  Any problems that this proposal could create?  Comments welcome.